Mayur Jadhav


A bit about me

Hey there! I’m Mayur.

BI Developer. Writer. Creative Educator. 

SAS Blog →


Hi, I’m Mayur Jadhav, a BI developer, writer, and creative educator.

I was 24 when I got the first opportunity to travel to Norway for business, and my life took a transformative turn.

I felt extremely lucky and overwhelmed.

I grew up in a tiny countryside place in India surrounded by nature’s beauty.

The path from there to Norway, one of the world’s wealthiest nations, wasn’t without its twists and turns.

I believe it’s a mix of hard work, luck, and blessings that got me here.

My achievements have surpassed my wildest dreams, a trend I hope continues into the future.

Professional Life

Data analytics was always my favorite subject which turned into expertise.

My expertise spans diverse sectors, including finance, telecom, HR, and banking. I was also honored with the New SAS Professional Award for my outstanding work in the SAS community.

I am proficient in SAS technology and adept in integrated technologies like Microsoft SQL, Python, MS Azure, Oracle, SingleStore, Citrix app, and Linux OS.

I work full-time with no excuses. I love what I do in my 9-5 job. It’s quite exciting.

My job holds the top spot on my list of priorities, and it always will.

I am currently advancing my leadership aspirations through an Executive MBA program.


I enjoy writing in my free time. Since I was introduced to the internet, I have been exploring my curiosity through writing.

Curiosity fuels the writer in me.

My love for reading books, articles, and essays knows no bounds.

One of the greatest perks of living in Norway is the genuine work-life balance it offers. You get plenty of free time after work, weekends are off, and there are 5 weeks of paid vacation.

I use this free time exploring my curiosity, learning new things, reading, writing, and spending quality time with my family.

I love building projects on the internet, most of which are educational.

  • “LearnSASCode” is a place to learn demanding SAS Programming skills to seize opportunities in data analytics.
  • “BookNotesAI” is a favorite destination for book lovers. If you’re super busy and don’t have enough time to read a lengthy book, booknotesai is the perfect place for you.

You can get insights, top ideas, and actionable quotes extracted from your favorite books.

I share short content regularly on LinkedIn and sometimes on my blog. I mostly write about data analytics, latest trends, personal development, life stories, networking, and writing.

I also enjoy traveling hence you’ll find some content around travel as well.

/ Mayur
“An ordinary person but with not so ordinary dreams.”

**DISCLAIMER: All activity on this platform represents solely my own opinions and is not in any way, shape, or form, a representation of my current or past employers.